Ubuntu/Debian : sudo apt install tlp
to start it : sudo tlp start
to show stat : sudo tlp stat
Long time no see wordpress ! been busy lately.
A Computer Person Journey
Ubuntu/Debian : sudo apt install tlp
to start it : sudo tlp start
to show stat : sudo tlp stat
Long time no see wordpress ! been busy lately.
To install Qt5 package needed to develop do :
sudo apt install qt5-default
Create a new folder to contain qthello project files.
mkdir qthello
cd qthello
Continue reading “Starting Qt5 development on Ubuntu 20”To do this on command prompt or terminal we can install acpi package.
sudo apt install acpi
After installing acpi package run below command.
acpi -V
Lately im installing Ubuntu Server 18.04 on laptop and wondering how to turn off the LCD because as a server it need to be turned on for 24 hours but the screen we dont need it as we can ssh from another machine.
To do this we will need vbetool utility. Get it by running sudo apt-get install vbetool from terminal.
Command to turn off LCD : vbetool dpms off
Command to turn on LCD : vbetool dpms on
apt-get install postgresql-client sqlite3
apt-get install libpq-dev libpqtypes-dev libsqlite3-dev
gem install pg sqlite3
To install sqlite3 gem we need to install development package for ruby and sqlite3 it self because of the need to compile gem native extension.
On ubuntu/mint/debian do as follow :
apt-get install ruby-dev
apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
Dont forget to execute as root.
After that we can execute gem install sqlite3.
Thats all … Bye.
Happy chinesse new year 2570 !
Debian based linux like ubuntu and linux mint can use these steps to install wxWidgets.
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
If we do not have a C++ compiler yet, we install the build-essential
I think this is an meta package that install the actual packages for programming task.
$ sudo apt-get install libwxgtk3.0-dev
This installs the wxWidgets package.
To test it with minimal console application that emit some text we will create console.cpp and compile it.
#include <wx/wx.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
wxPuts(wxT(“A wxWidgets console application”));
Continue reading “Installing wxWidgets on Debian based linux”
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS have an application that can be use by developer to compare files or folders called MELD.
FreeBSD also have it on its package collection. Just do pkg install meld.
Good night …