I have heard about atom editor from various source and want to give it a try. Manjaro linux have atom package on its repo and i think its a good time to test it. Browse atom.io web site to read more about atom editor.
Setting up Postgresql on Manjaro Linux
Postgresql is one of my favorite database. I want it to be installed on my manjaro linux laptop. Open “add remove program” and install postgresql and pgadmin4. Its better to use pgadmin4 to manage your postgresql database than using psql cli based program.
Starting GUI Programming using Code::Block and WxWidgets
I decide now is time for some trial of GUI programming on my manjaro linux installation. After browsing on the net for some time, tonigth im installing and using codeblock for the first time.
Lets add it to our manjaro linux system by using add remove program.
Continue reading “Starting GUI Programming using Code::Block and WxWidgets”
Pacman : invalid or corrupted package
If you ever had invalid or corrupted package during install or update using pacman, try to remove *.part files from pacman’s CacheDir.
manjaro/arch linux : beginning pacman
After installing Manjaro Linux , im running into trouble because pacman (package manager) cant find its repo database. After some browsing im trying to run pacman -Syy under administrative terminal (su). I wonder why after install pacman is not working. Is it intended behaviour ? Strange …