connect to access point
ifconfig <deviceid> -nwid -wpa -nwkey
get ip address from dhcp
dhclient <deviceid>
A Computer Person Journey
connect to access point
ifconfig <deviceid> -nwid -wpa -nwkey
get ip address from dhcp
dhclient <deviceid>
Finally im able to create a simple web application using ruby with sinatra,sequel, postgres.
For Jruby, install sequel gem as follow
To list installed files by a gem execute command :
jruby -S gem contents [gem_name]
For example to show files from jdbc-h2 gem we do as follow
try it for ruby
gem contents [gem_name]
bye for now …
Here is my jruby version and gem list
continued gem list Continue reading “Jruby version and gem list, prepare for sinatra web app”
Ruby manage gem by using gem command.
An interesting command is :
gem server