Trying postgresql c++ interface : pqxx

Postgresql database have an official interface to C programming language and a C++ interface derived from that. C++ is a different language from C and i think it will be more easier to deal with.

Lets give a try on the newest linux mint 20.

1. install libpqxx-dev package (sudo apt-get install  libpqxx-dev).

2. install codelite IDE (sudo apt-get install  codelite).

3. install postgresql (sudo apt-get install postgresql).

4. create an user (user1) for connecting to postgresql. Continue reading “Trying postgresql c++ interface : pqxx”

Postgresql/Mysql : Selecting random rows

Let say we have a table containing famous quote and we want to show a random quote. How do that in postgresql ? Try this.

Select * from quote order by random() limit 1;

for Mysql use rand instead.

Select * from quote order by rand() limit 1;


Installing TCL on OpenBSD 6.6

To bring tcl/tk programming language and some database connectivity for tcl on OpenBSD do command below as root :

pkg_add tcl tk sqlite3-tcl pgtcl

OpenBSD 6.6 can install tcl/tk 8.5 and 8.6.

Two extra package named sqlite3-tcl and pgtcl will give tcl capability to work with sqlite3 database and postgresql database.

Tdbc also a good choice for database connectivity. Tdbc packages on OpenBSD available for mysql, postgres, sqlite3. To add tdbc , we can do pkg_add tdbc-postgres tdbc-mysql tdbc-sqlite3.

Later will write more about tcl/tk.