To install Qt5 package needed to develop do :
sudo apt install qt5-default
Create a new folder to contain qthello project files.
mkdir qthello
cd qthello
Continue reading “Starting Qt5 development on Ubuntu 20”A Computer Person Journey
To install Qt5 package needed to develop do :
sudo apt install qt5-default
Create a new folder to contain qthello project files.
mkdir qthello
cd qthello
Continue reading “Starting Qt5 development on Ubuntu 20”Postgresql database have an official interface to C programming language and a C++ interface derived from that. C++ is a different language from C and i think it will be more easier to deal with.
Lets give a try on the newest linux mint 20.
1. install libpqxx-dev package (sudo apt-get installĀ libpqxx-dev).
2. install codelite IDE (sudo apt-get installĀ codelite).
3. install postgresql (sudo apt-get install postgresql).
4. create an user (user1) for connecting to postgresql. Continue reading “Trying postgresql c++ interface : pqxx”
After succesfully setting up IUP lib reference in codeblocks its time to test some IUP coding style. Download source code below.
In main.c file, we create some buttons and attach event handler to it. I modify it from IUP hello world sample to show how we access other controls from a event handler that only has reference to the control sending the event.
IUP is a cross platform GUI library. Last time tried to figure out how to compile an IUP hello world program using codeblocks IDE. After some searching on internet finally managed to compile it. Here is the linker setting used.
Debian based linux like ubuntu and linux mint can use these steps to install wxWidgets.
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
If we do not have a C++ compiler yet, we install the build-essential
I think this is an meta package that install the actual packages for programming task.
$ sudo apt-get install libwxgtk3.0-dev
This installs the wxWidgets package.
To test it with minimal console application that emit some text we will create console.cpp and compile it.
#include <wx/wx.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
wxPuts(wxT(“A wxWidgets console application”));
Continue reading “Installing wxWidgets on Debian based linux”
wxWidgets is a cross platform toolkit or framework for creating C++ GUI applications.
On my experiment with FreeBSD 11.1, after some time i am installing codeblocks , an IDE for creating C/C++ program. Unfortunately codeblocks didnt work (crash) on launch. Looks like some issue on wxwidget. Dunno.
After some casual browsing on FreeBSD package/ports list on the net , i found another C/C++ IDE !
It is Codelite !
pkg install codelite
Launch codelite, automatically detect clang llvm 4 available, then do some helloworld project …
I decide now is time for some trial of GUI programming on my manjaro linux installation. After browsing on the net for some time, tonigth im installing and using codeblock for the first time.
Lets add it to our manjaro linux system by using add remove program.
Continue reading “Starting GUI Programming using Code::Block and WxWidgets”