Here i try to use fossil to create a new repository file named bprs.fossil that will contain files from a java project. After doing fossil init to create the repository file then im opening the repo on a directory named bprs_checkout. Continue reading “Creating fossil repository and commit some files”
Fossil version control
Recently bitbucket accounce that they will discontinue mercurial support on their hosting by 2020. This event make me move my existing mercurial repo on bitbucket to git which they also support.
Recently i also learning some about Tcl and come across that Tcl project use fossil as their version control. But fossil is more than version control ! Its also unique by using sqlite database as its repository storage. No wonder because fossil is created to support sqlite project by its creator D Richard Hipp.
So i came to study fossil SCM on its website and installing it on my linux, openbsd, and windows laptop. Installing on openbsd is done by pkg_add fossil. Fossil website also provide fossil as a precompiled binary file and all you do to install is by copying it to your path. Its simple and powerful.
Go to fossil website :